Hub Recruit
Hub Recruit is Exceed's digital resource delivery portal. It connects our customers to hundreds of qualified IT professionals, job seekers, and service providers. Hub Recruit lets you engage with the IT talent you need in the way you see fit through direct team hiring, outsourcing, or project-based engagements.
Prominent Resource Challenges
What Makes Hub Recruit Unique?
  • As an IT services and training provider, we excel at sourcing local and international IT talent.
  • Multiple engagement options ensure your IT requirements will be met, no matter the duration or budget.
  • We use a cost-effective model that is completely transparent to ensure our customers save time, money, and effort.
How Can Hub Recruit Improve Your Organization?
By Digitizing the complete hiring and engagement process:
  1. Customers have more options.
  2. Customers can now engage with international, remote talent with no risk.
  3. Mobilization times are lower than ever.
  4. It is more cost-effective than any other recruitment solution on the market.
Upscale Your Recruitment Efforts