The Ultimate Checklist For A Managed Services Provider

Abed al hadi Fleifel
August 30, 2023

In an era of rapid technological advancement, the role of IT Leaders has evolved from cost management to strategic growth enablement. However, their time is stretched thin between innovation, IT operations, and budget management, with a staggering 70% allocated to operations. This impedes their ability to foster innovation and digital transformation, a critical requirement in today's landscape.

Why IT Leaders Need Managed Services Providers (MSPs)

A Managed Services Provider (MSP) can be the solution. MSPs take on the responsibility of managing IT infrastructure and end-user systems, both on-premise and in the cloud. By outsourcing the 70% spent on IT operations to MSPs, IT Leaders can redirect their focus to aligning with organizational strategy and executing digital transformation journeys effectively.

However, selecting the right MSP is crucial. Here's a checklist:

Managed Services Provider Checklist

Fast Service & Response Time: Your MSP should integrate seamlessly with your team, providing rapid, quality service.

Clear Service Level Agreement (SLA): Ensure your MSP offers a structured SLA with commitments to handling day-to-day operations and support.

Third-party Vendor Partnerships: The MSP should have strong relationships with various vendors to access unique benefits.

Proactive Services: Look for an MSP that doesn't just fix issues but proactively monitors, upgrades, and enhances your environment.

Remote and Onsite Support: A mix of remote and onsite support ensures comprehensive assistance, even during network downtimes.

Cyber Security Support: Cybersecurity is paramount; verify your MSP's security measures.

Compliance Support: The MSP should implement and maintain regulatory frameworks like GDPR and NIST.

Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity: Ensure your MSP has robust data security and disaster recovery mechanisms in place.

Questions to Ask MSPs

When evaluating MSP options, ask:

  • Do you offer an IT Help Desk?
  • What vendor partnerships do you have?
  • Do you provide local resources?
  • Is there a dedicated cyber security team?
  • Which compliance frameworks do you support?
  • Do you offer network/data/application monitoring?
  • What proactive services are available?
  • Are disaster recovery and business continuity included?
  • Are your staff certified?
  • Do you have experience with similar infrastructure and applications?
  • Does your SLA guarantee uptime, resolution rates, and response times?


Modern MSPs offer reliable alternatives that surpass the benefits of maintaining in-house data centers. To align your IT strategy with business growth effectively, collaborating with an MSP is imperative. Reach out to Exceed's experts today for a consultation. Let us help you unlock the potential of innovation and digital transformation in your organization. Contact us now!

Digital Transformation
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